
American Flag

Weekly Podcasts:

07/27/2024: Observing our culture here in the U.S., is it possible that we are seeing the fulfillment of a critical scripture in the book of Isaiah chapter 5 verse 20 that says "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil?" Consider the extreme embrace that some have for "unlimited" abortion access, the prideful celebration of misaligned gender and sexual practices... and many other issues that common sense and Bible oriented morality forbid. Tune in for a discussion right here and let us know your thoughts at

07/20/2024: On this podcast, we consider the question why is former President Trump so hated? Not just politically disliked, but "personally" hated by so many people? What is Trump Derangement Syndrome? Is it real and why do so many seem to have it? Plus, Pastor Vince looks to the scriptures to see how spiritual forces play into what we are witnessing in our government, in the upcoming Presidential election, and in what we saw in the assassination attempt against former president Trump. Check it out and let us know what you think!

07/13/2024: On the day of an attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, we invite you to pray for America like never before. This podcast was recorded before news of the shooting was announced. However, on this broadcast, we consider the possibility that here in America we are experiencing a Great Delusion, misinformation and vile rhetoric that is deceiving people to believe lies. What is the source of this delusion? We put forth the idea that it is all rooted in the SPIRITUAL. We turn to the scriptures for clarity. Plus, Pastor Vince talks about an attack in northern Israel coming from Hezbollah out of southern Lebanon. And, we examine the concept of RIGHTEOUSNESS. What is our standard for determining right and wrong. Join us and let us know your thoughts at

07/06/2024: The Democrats call Trump a pathological liar, but Biden makes just as many false statements! Why is Biden never called a liar? We take a look at to see if we can cut through the clutter and find some truth. Plus, Pastor Vince looks at some states like Tennessee who are calling on God for help in this time of American intellectual and moral confusion. Come on in and listen! Then, let us know your thoughts at

06/29/2024: Today, we look at the two "truths" being propagated by the American media. Both sides accusing the other of destroying democracy in America. Plus, Pastor Vince looks at the 10 Commandments being displayed in public school classrooms and potentially allowing the Bible to be taught to young students as well. Let us know what you think!

06/22/2024: Do you believe in the influence of the spiritual in the lives of people? The unbeliever thinks human behavior is all a product of the mind. What drives people to commit heinous acts of violence such as murder and rape? Why do so many people believe in absurd concepts such as transgenderism and logically unsound political ideologies? Could the spirit of a person be influenced, controlled and possessed by dark spiritual forces. Can the Holy Spirit given by God through Jesus Christ give a person wisdom and the ability to think and live righteously? We talk about it and look at specific examples. Join us!

06/15/2024: Will biological men be competing against women in the upcoming Olympics in Paris? We'll show you the latest ruling. And, who is Riley Gaines? See what she's doing to protect women from an immoral invasion. Plus. Pastor Vince takes a look at "An Appeal to Heaven" a flag established in American history that's raising a ruckus at the U.S. Supreme Court. We make some observations that will motivate you to pray for America! Join us!

06/08/2024: On this podcast, with no intention of defending Donald Trump, Steve compares the facts about Trump with the democrat rhetoric and the media spin. They are quite different! Plus, Pastor Vince explores the Bible perspective on the month of June being "Pride" month and the origins of this cultural phenomenon. Plus we ask you to pray for America and all Americans regardless of their "identity".

05/25/2024: On this PODCAST, we make a few Observations of events taking place in America to motivate us to pray for our country. An article specifies 17 things that Christians do that annoy Non-Christians. Are you guilty of any? Plus Pastor Vince continues his look at the Signs of the Times with an examination of scripture that might be referring to Russia and it's role in the coming tribulation. Join us!

05/18/2024: On this PODCAST, we make a few Observations of events taking place in America to motivate us to pray for our country. An article specifies 17 things that Christians do that annoy Non-Christians. Are you guilty of any? Plus Pastor Vince continues his look at the Signs of the Times with an examination of scripture that might be referring to Russia and it's role in the coming tribulation. Join us!

05/11/2024: On this podcast we make some quick OBSERVATIONS of issues in America that compel us to pray for our country. Then, Pastor Vince continues with his SIGNS OF THE TIMES series. This week a close look at the role of China as revealed in the book of Revelation. Thanks for watching and please remember to pray for America!

04/27/2024: Today we talk about the TITLE IX modifications the Biden administration made that potentially throws biological women under the bus when it comes to sports. Plus, Pastor Vince continues his Signs of the Times discussion with a look at the Anti-Christ and the revived Roman Empire. Let us know what you think at

04/20/2024: We make a few observations of current events to give us specific reasons to Pray for America. Then, Pastor Vince begins with Part 1 of his series on Signs of the Times and a look at the associated prophecies in the scriptures. What will happen to Israel in the Tribulation? This will be followed next week with the Revived Roman Empire and the roles of China, Russia and Iran in the Last Days. Join us!

04/13/2024: What does it mean to be a citizen of the United States of America? Is the concept being devalued, or worse, is it dying? We discuss. Plus, there are people in Dearborn, Michigan chanting "Death to America" and "Death to Israel". Should they be allowed to stay? And why are the Jewish people and Israel hated so much? Pastor Vince explores! Join us and let us know what you think at

04/06/2024: Today, we take look at the plight of the "J6 Praying Grandma" a Colorado woman found guilty of disorderly and disruptive conduct inside the Capitol on January 6, 2021. She faces a year in jail and a $200,000 fine... for praying! Trespassing? Yes. Disorderly and disruptive? Hmmm... Plus, we look at the prayer of Daniel the prophet in Chapter 3. "We have sinned!" And God is not pleased. Could God be displeased with America as well? Let's discuss!

03/30/2024: On this PODCAST, we examine the question... Is Joe Biden and his administration a SCAM on America. We make observations about the economy, illegal immigration and compare our observations with the claims made by Biden himself and his Press Secretary. Somehow they just don't jive! Plus, we encourage you to pray for America. More powerful than politics, prayer is the only recourse we have to save our country. Join us!

03/23/2024: Is it true that all who choose to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution? Is that what Christians are experiencing in America today? We take a close look! Plus Pastor Vince examines the rise in anti-Semitism taking place in America and around the world today. Listen here and let us know your thoughts at

03/16/2024: Today, we identify a few key issues to help target our prayers for America. Ever since the radical extremists cried out to defund the police, crime has increased pretty much everywhere... just as those with common sense expected. Speaking of crime, how are things at the southern border? According to the FBI, not so great! Plus, Pastor Vince discusses America's founding documents and the Oath of Office all government officials are required to take. Seems like many of them forgot about it! Join us! And let us know your thoughts!

03/09/2024: On this PODCAST, we make some observations regarding Election Interference in America. Why do Democrats want open borders? Why do they want illegal immigrants to have voting rights, and why are they so against Voter ID? We discuss. Plus, Pastor Vince reviews President Biden's State of the Union Address. What are the issues that Christians and Americans in general should be most concerned about? Check it out right here and let us know your thoughts at

02/24/2024: Steve returns from his visit to Mi Casa Kids and La Casa De Vida ministries in El Salvador where sexually trafficked and abused women and children are given hope for a new life. Returning to the U.S., he experienced more inspection going through customs than millions of foreigners combined crossing the southern border with no questions asked. Absurdity in America at the southern border! Plus, Pastor Vince talks about Christian Nationalism. It might not be what radical leftists think it is! Watch here!

02/17/2024: In this podcast, Pastor Vince takes a closer look at the Signs of the Times. Are we seeing events taking place in our country and world that Jesus warned us would indicate his imminent return? To start we make some Observations that will help us focus our Prayers for America such as a proposed law that would prohibit biological men from competing in women's sports. Listen here and let us know what you think!

02/10/2024: We’re making OBSERVATIONS for the purpose of targeting our prayers for America. On this PODCAST... Is Biden's memory and mental acuity failing? A new report has a lot to say. The Southern Border is still wide open with no background checks on who's coming in. What happened to the Democrat bill to "secure" it? And a woke kindergarten? Wait until you hear what's happening there. Plus, Pastor Vince looks at the historical mistakes made by leaders in the Bible. Do the lessons learned apply to America today? Find out right here!

02/03/2024: We're making OBSERVATIONS of all that's going on in America and the World with one primary purpose... to identify the most important issues that we must pray about. On this podcast, we discuss the issue of illegal immigration, a NY Times opinion piece that declares transgender ideology as "extremism". Plus, Pastor Vince takes a closer look at our Department of "Injustice". Join the conversation and email us at And don't forget to Pray for America!

01/20/2024: On this PODCAST, we talk about certain organizations that have been accused of censoring certain types of speech, particularly Conservative speech, calling it misinformation. Did you ever hear of the Southern Poverty Law Center or NewsGuard? Plus, Pastor Vince discusses the culture war we face here in America. That and more right here. Just hit the play button! And don't forget to pray for America!

01/13/2024: Can you spot a "false narrative" when the politicians and the media dish it out for all to believe? We look at a few of them in this podcast! Who is the real danger to democracy here in the U.S.? Plus, Pastor Vince takes a close look at the Protesters for Palestine. Just who are these people, and do they really know what they are protesting about? Join us here and don't forget to Pray for America!

12/30/2023: On this last PODCAST for 2023, we make some Observations of current events to help us better Pray for America. Then, Pastor Vince talks about Prayer and the importance of it heading into 2024. Plus, some famous quotes from some of America's founding fathers who believed in the power of prayer, the Bible and In God We Trust.

12/23/2023: On this NEW PODCAST here on the day before Christmas Eve 2024, we make some observations about America to help us focus on how to pray. We discuss some controversial current events including the state of Colorado's decision to ban Donald Trump from their primary ballot. Will it stand? Then, Is December 25th really the birthday of Jesus Christ? Pastor Vince has some biblically based explanation on that topic. Leave a comment and let know how you are praying! Merry Christmas to you and thank you for watching!

12/17/2023: On this 250th Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, we discuss God's gift of DISCERNMENT. Do you have the ability to DISCERN the truth among political opinions that are completely in opposition to each other? Then, find out what really happened at the Boston Tea Party! Plus, there is conflict among Muslim sects in the Middle East, but there is one issue where they have complete agreement. Wait until you hear what that is! Find out why a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians is practically impossible. Listen here and let us know your thoughts!

12/02/2023: In this PODCAST, we take a look at the new Pride Bible, a "revised" version of scripture designed for the LGBTQ community. What could be the end result of anyone using this book for spiritual guidance? Also, in response to listener question we examine who are the Ashkenazi Jews, and what is Zionism. Who are the real Jews? Plus a lot more. Join us and let us know what you think by email.

11/19/2023: Today we discuss Osama Bin Laden's "Letter to America" written shortly after the 9/11 terrorist attack in New York City. Recently motivated by the Israel-Hamas war, a TikTok personality called attention to this letter. It received over 800,000 views and 80,000 likes before it was taken down. Wait until you hear what the letter said. Are some Americans being deceived by a false narrative, one of many false narratives being pushed on a naïve and simple minded American populace? Tune in to learn more!

11/11/2023:In this PODCAST, we make some OBSERVATIONS including the latest trial going on against Donald Trump and how one congressional representative says the judge in this case is biased and unprofessional. She is filing charges! Also Ron DeSantis wins a major decision in Florida to protect women's sports. Plus, Anti-Semitism is running rampant in America, so why is the White House allocating big money to fight Islamophobia? Let us know what you think at

11/04/2023: In this podcast, we make a few OBSERVATIONS of the current state of our country. Is the new Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson an "extremist" because he is a Bible believing Christian? Also, a high school girl field hockey player gets severely injured when a biological male playing on the other team hits her in the face with the ball. Plus, we discuss the rapid rise of anti-Semitism in America. What does the Bible say about God's purpose and plan for Israel in the future for all humankind? Join us!

10/28/2023: Jesus warned us to watch for the signs of his soon return. Are the rapture, tribulation and return of Jesus very near? We examine the facts and the scriptures! Plus we make some OBSERVATIONS here in America and around the world to identify the most important reasons to pray! Watch here and let us know your thoughts! Email:

10/21/2023: As war in the middle east continues to develop, we attempt to see things from both sides. We start with a report from Amnesty International. Is Israel an apartheid state oppressing the Palestinian people? By contrast, how should Israel handle its enemies on all sides and within, many of which desire to annihilate them from existence? Are the events happening in Israel "signs of the times" signaling the imminent return of Jesus Christ? Unbelievers be warned! Please watch and let us know your thoughts at christiansunited50@gmail com

10/14/2023: In this PODCAST, we take a biblical look at the history of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians (Muslims). Who is the real aggressor/oppressor? What is fomenting the hatred, bigotry and racism that has plagued the Middle East for centuries. Israel has seen many attacks and suffered many wars. Let’s pray that this one in 2023 will come to a peaceful conclusion as quickly as possible. Let us know your thoughts at Thanks for watching!

10/07/2023: We talk briefly about the history of Israel according to the Bible. And we talk about the Palestinians. Do they have a right to occupy the land that was promised to the Jewish people by God? Is it really a dispute over land? Or is it something more sinister? Also, what is really at the core of gender dysphoria? Are people being born in the wrong bodies? Is it a psychological illness or could it be a spiritual problem? Join us and let us know your thoughts.

09/23/2023: On this PODCAST, we welcome evangelist and author Dr. Sam Gipp. Sam travels around the world sharing the message of the Gospel... he also writes extensively on a wide variety of topics affecting the lives of Christians here in the modern church era. Hear Sam's comments on the the state of the church in this age of apostasy, the rapture, the prospects for revival in America and lots more. Send us your comments and questions at christiansunited50 Thanks for watching!

09/16/2023: Are you concerned by what you are witnessing in America here in 2023? Do you believe that politicians can remedy the problems we face? We think not! That's why we're calling all Christians and other like minded people to join us in prayer for this once great nation. On this PODCAST we make some observations to help us focus on the specific reasons why prayer is needed. Listen in and join us in daily prayer for America. And... let us know what you think! Email us at

09/09/2023: On the 22nd anniversary of the 911 terrorist attack on America, we are here to help identify the reasons we must pray for our country here in 2023. We are now facing an attack of a different kind with unprecedented illegal immigration happening at the southern border. NYC Mayor Eric Adams claims it will destroy the city. Plus, at a schoolboard meeting in Orange County California, a group of Communist protestors claim that Christians are fascists. Find out why and tell us what you think? Listen here and join us in prayer for our nation!

09/02/2023: In this PODCAST, we touch on the insanity and absurdity taking place in our American culture with blatant misinformation and cultural immorality flooding our corrupt media. Also, Pastor Vince discusses the Gadsden Flag (the one that says Don't Tread On Me) now being maligned by some as symbolizing slavery in America. Reasons to pray for America... the time is urgent! Listen in and join us!

08/26/2023: Back after a two week vacation, on this PODCAST we discuss the Trump indictment in Georgia as the evidence rolls in regarding the Biden Bribery scandal. Plus, a close look at the PRAYER POINT #2... that we would commit ourselves to winning souls as we wait for Lord's return. We need a revival in America. Join us in prayer for these issues and so much more!

08/05/2023: It's all about REVIVAL! That's what we are praying for in America! Listen as we discuss and encourage you to pray for Revival with a look back at the great revivals in American history. It's the number one prayer point in our list of seven key prayers we want to lift up to God. Email us at 

07/29/2023: In the PODCAST... Observations about the 2 tiered system of justice in America. Hunter Biden's plea deal and his attorneys' deceptive, dishonest meddling. Plus, the House Hearing on gender transitioning. Interesting testimony from women fighting for women's rights and spaces in our society. Plus, is God non-binary? A response to a listener question regarding an LGBTQ writer's explanation of God and "His" name! Tune in, check it out, and let us know what YOU think

07/22/2023: We talk about the Jason Aldean country music video, "Try That In a Small Town". In what way is this video racist? Does it really incite violence? Why are some people more offended by the video than the actual riots and looting that took place in American cities? Plus, Pastor Vince looks at justice in America. Are some people above the law? Observations would say yes! But what can we do? PRAY!!! Join us!

07/15/2023: In this PODCAST! Talking about the new movie "SOUND OF FREEDOM". Why is the main stream media, "and others" so against this film? Plus, hear what most Americans believe about biological men participating in women's sports... a Gallup poll. Lot's more! Join us!

07/08/2023: In this PODCAST we make some observations about America with the help of U.S. Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana. Plus, Pastor Vince examines the "Signs of the Last Days” with guidance from the Bible scriptures. Are the end-time signs predicted by Jesus evident in today’s culture? Here are some important reasons we must pray for America. Join us and let us know your thoughts at


07/01/2023: Happy Independence Day Weekend! On this podcast we talk about the recent Supreme Court decisions affecting Biden's student debt relief proposal and the right of a Christian business owner to deny service to LGBTQ customers. Plus, a old Presbyterian church abandons Bible principles to embrace an ideology that scripture describes as sin, all in the name of diversity and tolerance. Is that love in action or love gone off the rails

06/24/2023: In this Podcast, we make some OBSERVATIONS about the current state of America. Our goal is to highlight reasons for all of us to pray for America. When you look at the way our justice department handled the Hunter Biden accusations, is there a two tiered system of justice in our country. Pride month is coming to and end, but some Starbucks employees are striking for their perceived right to decorate the stores with Pride flags and paraphernalia. Do they have that right? And, does God love everybody? Well, yes... God Is Love, but God is also Holy and Just. What does that mean for the unsaved?

06/17/2023: In this PODCAST, we make some observations related to Pride Month. Why did the L.A. Dodgers honor a hate group that mocks and disparages Catholic people? Why did Joe Biden say that the LGBTQ+ people are the "bravest and most inspirational" people he has ever known? What about the men and women who died for America in wars throughout the decades? Plus, a close look at an associate of Klaus Schwab? What are these people up to?

06/10/2023: In this podcast, we discuss the fierce hatred of Donald Trump and consider the 2-tiered system of justice that appears to be taking place in America today. Why do some people in this country seemed to be brainwashed with an irrational sense of fairness and morality? Why have standards of sexual morality deteriorated to an unprecedented level of depravity that a particular group in our country claim as reasons for PRIDE... and why is it being presented to our children? These are some of the reasons we must be praying for America! Join us!

05/27/2023: On today’s podcast, we discuss some of the most important reasons we must pray for America. Is America in a culture war? Or is it really spiritual warfare? If it is spiritual warfare, prayer is the most powerful and effective weapon for gaining victory for our country. Listen in and join us in prayer to keep America, moral, safe, and free until Jesus returns.

05/20/2023: What do you think about DEI? Is it really Diversity, Equity and Inclusion? Or is it as Ron DeSantis of Florida has recently said, Discrimination, Exclusion and Indoctrination. Also, what is the agenda of the dark spiritual forces some refer to as the Satanic Creed? Is the Home of the Free standing in the way of a Global World Order? And what can we do about the chaos spreading across America?

05/13/2023: In this Podcast we discuss Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum. Is the WEF attempting to subjugate the United States to clear the way for a one-world government? Conspiracy theory for wackos? Or is there some evidence to believe that it is true? Listen and let us know what you think!

05/06/2023: In this podcast, we continue to discuss some of the most important reasons for us all to PRAY FOR AMERICA. Did you hear about Satancon that was held in Boston where a woman tore a Bible to pieces to the cheers of the audience and chants of "Hail Satan"? We talk about unclean, dark spirits and how they affect people from the highest places in government to ordinary folks who innocently become deceived. Are people who are affected by transgenderism deceived by dark spirits that manifest as mental illnesses? Tune in and listen to the discussion and let us know what you think!

04/29/2023: In this podcast, we give you several reasons to PRAY FOR AMERICA. We talk about morality in America and how it is affecting our children. How can anyone support "gender affirming care" for children? What ever happened to law and order? Crime on the rise across the country and why won't our government punish crime especially in the major cities? Join us and tell what you think!

04/22/2023: In this podcast, we encourage you to PRAY FOR AMERICA. We discuss the spiritual impact on certain factions of our society and government. Most Americans can see the absurdity of what's happening in our country but don't understand the reasons for the apparent decline in common sense and morality.

04/15/2023: In this podcast we discuss the reasons why prayer for America is so important including prayer for good, God fearing people to run for public office at the local, state and federal levels... and for dishonest, anti-God, anti-Bible politicians to be voted out of office.

04/08/2023: This podcast is designed to bring people together in prayer for America. On this edition, we reflect on last week's podcast where we discussed transgenderism. Is America being afflicted by a spirit of delusion? We also talk about how America was founded by Christian people under Christian principles of law and order, righteousness and a God directed lifestyle. Can a revival help us return to that original vision?

04/01/2023: Do Christians hate people who identity as LGBTQ+, transvestites (drag queens) and transgenders? In this podcast, we begin to discuss the issues surrounding sexual morality in America by first looking at what the Bible has to say and even taking a logical, non-religious look at the science as applied to transgenderism. What psychology can't explain, perhaps spirituality can! Listen in and please let us know you thoughts on the topic.

3/25/2023: In this podcast, we continue our discussion on the desperate need for Christian Revival in America. Deteriorating morality and a corrupt political agenda are progressing to destroy the country that God had once blessed. "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” II Chronicles 7:14. 

3/18/2023: In this podcast, Steve and Pastor Vince talk about the need for Revival in America with a look at the history of revival in the Bible, and a discussion of the events taking place in America today that indicate a desperate need for the Spirit of God to revive Christians for prayer to set America back on a course for righteousness and morality.

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